
Setting up a development environment for data engineering on Windows requires some specific considerations that differ from Unix-based systems. This guide will walk you through creating a robust Python development environment on Windows, with detailed explanations of each component and why it’s important.

Clean Slate: Removing Existing Python Installations

Before starting, it’s important to remove any existing Python installations to avoid conflicts:

  1. Open Windows Settings > Apps > Apps & Features
  2. Search for “Python”
  3. Uninstall any Python versions listed

Also check and remove Python from these locations:

# Using PowerShell to check common Python locations
Get-ChildItem "C:\Python*"
Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python"

Windows Terminal provides a modern, powerful command-line experience:

  1. Open Microsoft Store
  2. Search for “Windows Terminal”
  3. Click Install

This gives you:

  • Multiple tabs and panes
  • Better text rendering
  • Customizable profiles
  • Support for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
  • GPU-accelerated text rendering

Python Installation

Unlike MacOS, Windows doesn’t have a built-in package manager like Homebrew. We’ll install Python directly:

  1. Visit Python Downloads
  2. Download Python 3.10.x Windows installer (64-bit)
  3. Run the installer with these important options:
    • ✅ Add Python to PATH
    • ✅ Install for all users
    • ✅ Create shortcuts for installed applications
    • ✅ Add Python to environment variables
    • ✅ Precompile standard library

Verify the installation in PowerShell:

# Check Python version
python --version

# Check Python location
Get-Command python | Select-Object Source

Managing Multiple Python Versions

For multiple Python versions on Windows:

  1. Download desired Python versions from
  2. Install each version with unique directory names:
    • C:\Python310
    • C:\Python311
    • etc.

Create a script to switch between versions:

# save as switch-python.ps1

$pythonPath = "C:\Python$version"
$env:Path = "$pythonPath;$pythonPath\Scripts;" + $env:Path
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path, "User")


# Run as administrator
.\switch-python.ps1 310  # Switches to Python 3.10

Setting Up UV Package Manager

UV is a modern, high-performance Python package manager. Install it using PowerShell:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Add UV to your system PATH if not automatically added:

  1. Open System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables
  2. Edit User Variables > Path
  3. Add the UV installation path (typically %USERPROFILE%.cargo\bin)

VSCode Setup

VSCode provides an excellent development environment for Python on Windows:

  1. Download VSCode from
  2. During installation, ensure these options are checked:
    • ✅ Add “Open with Code” action to Windows Explorer file context menu
    • ✅ Add “Open with Code” action to Windows Explorer directory context menu
    • ✅ Register Code as an editor for supported file types
    • ✅ Add to PATH

Why These Options Matter

  • “Open with Code” context menu options allow you to right-click files/folders to open them in VSCode
  • PATH registration lets you use code commands from the terminal
  • File type registration makes VSCode the default editor for development files

Essential Extensions

Install these extensions for Python development:

  1. Python (Microsoft)
  2. Pylance
  3. DBT
  4. GitLens
  5. PowerShell (for better PowerShell script editing)

Setting Up Your DBT Project

Now let’s set up a DBT development environment:

# Create project directory
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "dbt-project"
Set-Location dbt-project

# Create and activate virtual environment
uv venv

# Install packages
uv pip install dbt-core==1.8.1
uv pip install dbt-trino==1.8.0
uv pip install pystarburst

# Verify installation
dbt --version

DBT Profile Setup

Create your DBT profile:

# Create .dbt directory
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\.dbt"
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\.dbt\profiles.yml"

Add your profile configuration:

  target: dev
      type: trino
      host: your_host
      port: 443
      user: your_username
      password: your_password
      database: your_database
      schema: your_schema

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Python Path Issues

# Check Python in PATH
$env:Path -split ';' | Where-Object { $_ -like '*Python*' }

# Verify Python location
Get-Command python | Select-Object Source

Permission Issues

When running scripts, you might encounter ExecutionPolicy restrictions. Fix with:

# Run as Administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

UV Installation Issues

# Check UV version
uv --version

# Reinstall UV if needed
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

VSCode Python Selection

  1. Open command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)
  2. Type “Python: Select Interpreter”
  3. Choose the appropriate Python version

Virtual Environment Activation Fails

If you see “running scripts is disabled on this system”:

# Run as Administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser


While Windows setup differs from Unix-based systems, you can create an equally powerful development environment with these tools. The combination of Python, UV, and VSCode provides a robust platform for data engineering work.

Remember to keep your tools updated and regularly check for new versions of DBT and its dependencies. Happy coding!