
Journalling is a habit that helps us reflect on the year, but also allows us to coach ourselves to be a better you.

There is a element of getting it down in writing that allows us to “slow” down and focus on what we are writing. There is something about Journalling in physical form, as when you reflect back on past Journal there is some sort of bond you have with your hand writing, and you can also go back to that moment in time and remember when you wrote it.

There is also a element of learning that can be enhanced, or retain more by writing. Allowing us another pathway to abosrb what we have learnt.

There is a few different techniques out there like bullet journalling, but for me - I try to keep it simple. I create one book for a year, and I split it into sections.

Why should I journal?

There is plenty of successfull people in the world, and I find if you can mirror elements of there behaviour then you will likely be successfull too.

Some of the greatest minds in history have kept journals, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Oprah, Einstein, Da Vinci, BIll Gates, Steve Jobs.

Sometimes you need to stop looking for anwsers and start listening for answers - so becoming restrospective and looking and reflecting. We sometimes already know the answers, you just need a place to surface those ideas and emotions - so you can see it more clearly. That what journalling is for me.

Front Cover

This is the page that you will open the most, so it should be your inspiration page.

This page is your current mission, or your shining star for where you are heading towards. Think of it as if there where the 5 top lessons you learnt in the year, they should be reflective on that front page.

I like to place any quotes, sayings, insights on this page that will inspire, or remind me during the year. It’s ok if it starts off blank, and you can fill it in along the way. It’s ok if it only makes sense to you - thats also the idea here.

I also have a big number on the left hand side - which is how many days I have till im 90. Now this is a bit morbid, but it helps solidify the time we have, and that each journal is 365 days removed from that total. Steve Jobs said that he liked to remind himself of his mortality each day, so if he was to re-live his life, would he still do that some thing - with the day he has on earth. If the answer was no, too many days in a row - he knew that something had to change.

Section 1 : Student

This is where I write down my notes of books I have read in the year. I like the idea of studying books, so re-reading antidotes or elements of lessons. So re-reading and taking notes down, about the chapters, so I can reflect on the ideas and concepts and try to mould them into the way I work.

I also will add in here things like courses or seminars that I might of attended over the year.

I do have a more comprehensive digital format of this as well, which is more specific to coding and learning core principles - sort of like a reference or a second brain. Where I can easily look up a template for unit testing, or creating a table or a template for creating a slowing changing dimension etc. Core skills to my everyday work, which i would reference, and become a bit more challenging to write down in my journal.

Section 2 : Projects

This is purely my work section, when im doing discovery for a project comming up, I will write down notes here. This is one section that I do more of this on confluence within work. As it makes it more easier to collaborate and share the work in progress with others. However sometimes need to rough out a idea, and this is the section I do it in.

It also a good section to reflect back on at the end of the year, to see the projects I worked on, and measure there effectiveness.

Section 3 : Innovation Ideas

This section is for ideas or thoughts that come to mind. I jot them down here, which allows me to think more on the idea, and potentially give it more structure or feasability.

Section 4 : Personal Maps

If you don’t know about personal maps, there is a blog entry here about them. However it is a framework I use with team members or people im getting to know at work - to build relationships and trust.

Section 5 : Trackers

Health trackers, water tracking - anything that you are tracking I place in here. I normally divide each page into half, and top/bottom section represent 1 week. So if im tracking a habit, I can do it over that period of time.

These sections might be different for you, which is ok - its more about what is important for you - and areas you want to focus on during the year, or reflect or reference back to.

Back Cover

Similiar to the front page, this page shows me - my strengths. Also any of my goals I have for the year.

I like the format of spliting the goals into:

  • Work - outwards facing.
    Think of them like metrics, or easily trackable items.
  • Rest - inwards facing This is about your health, mental and physical. So it could be target of running a marathon by the end of the year.
  • Play - reward This is something to aim towards, it could be taking a holiday somewhere, or saving up for something big like a new car, or bike.

I think the last part is retrospective. So remember to re-read through your Journal at the end of the year, and reflect on what has occured. Most importantly, how much you have grown as a person.

It’s ok if you didn’t hit all your targets you wanted to. Sometimes we deviate from the path, and unexpected things can occur. However you can also use the next year to re-target a new path, maybe that previous target no longer exists.

Would love to hear others thoughts, on journalling - and if they do anything specific that i might of missed above.